Game Board (work in progress)
Emma, age 15
Washington, US
This is a game I’ve been working on for a while. It’s my own version of the game Stratego. I made my own game pieces and the game board. I used watercolor to paint the pieces and a mix of watercolor and colored paper to make the game board. My version is an Island I made up called Hungalo that has a ton of weird creatures and very odd diseases and things. For example, the creature on the card with 2 on it is called a Dahbadushweebagon. There’s also the Hippapotarocka Beetle (card 5), Soap Fly (card 8) and a Horradox Flower which is card B (a bomb in the game). It’s been really fun to make but it’s taking me a really long time! I’m getting very close to the end and I can’t wait to play with it.
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