Hello Parents,

It can feel stressful, overwhelming, and lonely when your child has dyscalculia (or known as a math learning disability). I know that experience first-hand. My hope is that you find clarity and direction for the way forward. I’d love to share the journey with you.

Your dyscalculia coach,

- Laura





Individualized support for parents supporting a dyscalculic learner.


fREE resources

A parent’s Guide

This FREE 7-day email series will help you navigate the confusing journey of supporting a dyscalculic child.

signs & symptoms

Wondering whether your child is dyscalculic? Find out here.


Learn more about dyscalculia awareness, education, and supports.


recommended reading List

speaking & writing

Podcasts. Articles. Events. Here are a few places you can hear more from me.

free chapter

Published by GHF Press, 2022

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