blogging the journey
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Establishing school supports for dyscalculia is critical for student's success, but parents mistakenly assume the school will know supports are needed.
Do you ever wonder why your dyscalculic student doesn't like to use a calendar or planner to organize their time?
It’s understandable that parents feel overwhelmed with a new learning disability diagnosis.
Posts from 2024
As dyscalculia-awareness grows, more adults are discovering the reason for their life-long struggles. They are dyscalculic.
Dyscalculic students become lost in a confusion of numbers, dates, measurements, sequencing.
While in London, I had the honor of meeting Brian Butterworth, professor of Cognitive Neuropsychology and dyscalculia researcher at the University College London.
I traveled for the first time to the U.K. to meet (in-person) some of the dyscalculia experts I have been learning from, following, and connecting with these past several years.
By "foundational number-sense," I mean we go as far back as we can to explore the early ideas of number and quantity.
There is another aspect of driving that is difficult for dyscalculic, which is quick mental estimations and calculations regarding speed, space, and time.
posts from 2023