dyscalculia resources

for parents, teachers, adults

podcasts + recorded events

Listen to podcast episodes and webinars.


recommended reading List

My favorite books on dyscalculia, helpful for teachers, parents, adults, and students.

free chapter download

Published by GHF Press, 2022

signs & symptoms

This page will get you started on figuring out if you or your student is likely dyscalculic.

A parent’s Guide

FREE 7-day email series will help you navigate the journey of supporting a dyscalculic child.

monthly newsletter

The latest in dyscalculia awareness, education, and support.

evaluations & assessments

Learn more about dyscalculia screeners and evaluations.

blog posts

Blogging our dyscalculic journey.

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    work with me

    Working with me individually is the best way forward to understand dyscalculia, identify what is needed, and clarify your next steps towards positive change so you (or your student) can thrive!