Visit with Dyscalculia Experts in England
This past May, I traveled for the first time to the U.K. My husband and two teen daughters joined me and we explored London, Bath, Oxford, and a few villages in the Cotswolds. We also surprised our girls with a train into Paris for a couple days.
The main purpose of my trip was to meet (in-person) some of the dyscalculia experts I have been learning from, following, and connecting with via email and Zoom. It was an amazing opportunity to connect with people I admire who are actively engaged in dyscalculia advocacy!
While driving through the bustling streets of London with Jane Emerson (author of several dyscalculia books and co-founder of the Emerson House), I told her that it’s often lonely working in this little-known field of dyscalculia. She understood.
That is why it was encouraging to meet so many kindred spirits on this visit including:
Cat Eadle (Dyscalculia Network), Laura Jackson (Discovering Dyscalculia), and Rob Jennings (Dyscalculia Network) in Oxford.
Cat Eadle and Rob Jennings from the Dyscalculia Network. We walked together all around Oxford. It was so much fun to connect over our shared work and passion.
Jane Emerson and the staff at the Emerson House, London. After a lunch with Jane and Brian Butterworth, Jane took me on a tour of the Emerson House, to meet the talented staff there, and hear about how she started the center with Dorian Yeo years ago. It was a beautiful center, so full of life and positive energy.
Brian Butterworth, dyscalculia researcher and professor emeritus from the University College London. Brian is my favorite dyscalculia researcher and someone I deeply respect. It was an honor to meet him and talk about our work over lunch with Jane.
I look forward to continuing my dyscalculia advocacy work in collaboration with these wonderful individuals who are doing so much for dyscalculia awareness, education, and supports.
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