dyscalculia math education

Individual or Group Consulting for Educators - Teachers, Tutors, Professionals, who want to implement effective teaching methods and strategies for dyscalculic students.

In this custom consulting package we will work together to grow your understanding of dyscalculia and establish effective teaching methods and strategies so you can be a successful math instructor for dyscalculic students!

you will gain:

  • Expertise on how to teach dyscalculic students, and those struggling due to a math learning disability.

  • Insight into what specific books, curriculum, and learning materials are most effective.

  • Deeper understanding on why certain math concepts are difficult for dyscalculics. And how to help.

  • Knowledge about what classes and subjects (besides math) are impacted by dyscalculia. And how to support students.

  • Individual guidance and a plan for how to implement the most effective methods and learning strategies in your classroom.

frequently covered topics in an 8-week package

Understanding What Dyscalculia Is and How it Impacts

Dyscalculia Compared to Other Learning Disabilities Impacting Math

Essential Teaching Methods and Strategies

Specific Books as Curriculum & Learning Materials

Done-For-You Lesson Plans

Learning Materials and Tools

IEPs, SLPs, and Accommodations

Helping Students with Anxiety

Let’s create a custom consulting package that fits your needs!

Contact me to inquire on this form:


Thank you for all of your support in providing a wonderful experience for the teachers. When we came together in person this week to talk about your workshop, the teachers all had a clearer understanding of the challenges faced by dyscalculic learners. They are all motivated to incorporate the resources you recommended into their classroom, and to continue learning more about this population of learners. Additionally, we had a number of teachers set professional goals centered around reaching students struggling in math. As feedback about your workshop came in, you should know that your authentic, knowledgeable and kind presence was appreciated by our staff.
I signed up for your class, which I completed immediately... I am a learning SPONGE right now. Thank you! Last year, I took the Multi-Sensory Math class, not realizing it was a stepping stone to Dyscalculia. I have felt validated in the techniques/lessons that I have been using. Thank you! Keep doing what you are doing...you are helping students, parents, teachers and the DYSLEXIC communities!
Our tutor took your teacher course and loved it. She was so excited about your program.
I REALLY enjoyed your course. I am stunned (and disappointed) that the education of dyscalculia is so lacking in our schools (and in our teacher education)!
Thanks for a great session today. A lot of valuable dialogue shared; I always leave our time together with ideas to put into practice or topics to further research and discuss.