Why Isn't Special Education Working?

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Today I want to share a question I often hear from parents, which is: “My child has special education math in school, why aren’t they progressing as we had hoped?”​

While there could be several factors, one of the most likely reasons is that very few special education teachers have received training for dyscalculia, and they are not familiar with the understanding gaps which accompany dyscalculia.

Often special education math is approached in much the same way as general math education, but at a lower grade level or at a slower pace with more assistance. This approach does not work for dyscalculic students, they are unlikely to grasp the math concepts any better than they did before.

Research shows that dyscalculics are wired differently in the math region of the brain. This requires differentiated math instruction, something school systems rarely know how to provide. Dyscalculic students need educators who can understand their unique experience with numbers, and who can teach to that unique perspective.

In this situation, I suggest that parents explore whether the special education teacher is open to dyscalculic-specific learning methods and materials. While there is not yet a specific curriculum for dyscalculia, there are excellent books that provide a sequential learning structure, and individual lesson plans specific for dyscalculic learners.

When parents are exploring this option, one selling point they should bring up with the teaching staff is that these learning methods and materials are effective not only for students with dyscalculia, but also for those with math struggles due to other learning challenges and language-based difficulties like dyslexia.

Here are a couple of great options to begin learning more about dyscalculia teaching methods and materials:

1) For educators: Check out my Dyscalculia Math Education Coaching for personalized support and information on the most effective methods and strategies for teaching dyscalculic students.

2) For parents: Through my coaching packages we can discover what is holding your child back from succeeding in math, maybe why special education isn’t working for them, and explore ways to help them thrive as a dyscalculic learners.

Education, 2021Laura Jackson